Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Road Trip Car Accidents

Aug 4, 2021 @ 10:54 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Road Trip Car Accidents

Road trips are right up there with baseball when it comes to America’s favorite pastimes. Many individuals plan summer road trips, and Florida is an especially common destination. Road trips are a great way to travel, but nothing can ruin a road trip like a car accident.

Road trip car accidents can result in injuries and financial losses. Liable parties should be held accountable for accident damages, but dealing with the aftermath of a road trip car accident can be tricky. The car accident lawyers at Chanfrau & Chanfrau are happy to help drivers in Daytona Beach, FL, Palm Coast, FL, and surrounding areas consider their legal options after a road trip car accident, so that they can be justly compensated for damages.

Causes of Road Trip Car Accidents

Many areas experience a spike in car accidents during the summer months or in the days surrounding major holidays. This increase in car accidents is often among drivers who are on a road trip, or those driving through areas that are not directly in their hometown. There are several reasons that road trips may increase the risk of a car accident. The most common causes of road trip car accidents include:

What To Do after a Road Trip Car Accident

When a driver is involved in a car accident on a road trip, their immediate concern may be whether or not their trip can continue. If accident damages are minor (the vehicle is still operational and no one is injured), drivers can exchange insurance information and they may choose to continue with their road trip as planned.

If a vehicle is significantly damaged in a road trip car accident, or if anyone in the vehicle is injured, dealing with the aftermath of the collision should be the priority. Whenever possible (after tending to accident injuries), drivers should take the following actions following a road trip car accident:

Filing a Claim for Damages

Following a car accident, drivers need to make a claim with their insurance company. The liable party’s insurance company should then be held liable for damages such as medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. However, insurance companies frequently deny liability, or offer quick settlements that do not adequately account for the full extent of accident damages. Instead of accepting what an insurance company has to offer, accident victims should consider working with a car accident lawyer to file a claim.

It can be especially beneficial to work with a lawyer following a road trip car accident. The amount and types of compensation that a driver is due can be impacted by local laws where the car accident took place. While travelers may not be familiar with state laws, a local lawyer will be.

Contact Chanfrau & Chanfrau

If you have been involved in a road trip car accident in the state of Florida, the lawyers at Chanfrau & Chanfrau can help you explore your right to financial compensation. To schedule a personal consultation with our legal team, send us a message online, or call our Daytona Beach law firm at (386) 258-7313.