Property owners have the obligation to maintain a safe atmosphere for authorized visitors. When they fail to do so, injuries can result.
Hiring a premises liability attorney can help ensure you receive the compensation you need to recover from your injuries, whether from the insurance company or from the negligent party.
Chanfrau & Chanfrau has been representing injured Floridians in Daytona Beach, DeLand, and Palm Coast, FL, since 1976...
"In the 40 Years of Practice, I've Seen Just about All the Premises Liability Types of Claims..."
Slip and Fall
Premises liability law holds property owners responsible for making reasonable efforts to keep their premises free from safety hazards. Insufficient lighting on stairs, uneven floors, or debris on walkways can lead to slip and fall accidents, which can result in severe and sometimes fatal injuries.
Dog Bites
As many as 800,000 Americans are attacked by a dog each year, and many of these victims are children. A vicious dog can quickly inflict catastrophic injury or even death, especially on a small child. Like many states, Florida imposes "strict liability" on dog owners if their animal bites someone.
Palm Coast Premises Liability
The popularity of Palm Coast invariably means that a substantial number of individuals are at risk of becoming injured on someone else's property. Whether your accident occurred at a restaurant, shop, or private residence, our attorneys will fight to ensure responsible parties are held accountable.
Flagler Beach Premises Liability
Flagler Beach Pier and other local attractions bring huge numbers of tourists to the coast each year. Residents and visitors alike can be hurt on unsafe properties due to trip and falls, assault, and more. We can determine whether a premises liability suit can help you recover compensation.
Bunnell Premises Liability
Popular state parks and other local attractions draw countless visitors to Bunnell each year. The mild climate and active lifestyles of our residents also place people at risk of becoming injured on another party's property. Our attorneys can hold negligent parties accountable and help you heal.
Lawful Obligations of Business Owners and Security Companies
Commercial property owners have an obligation to provide a safe and secure environment for the public. If improper security resulted in the violation of your safety, we can help you file a negligent security lawsuit. The skilled team at Chanfrau & Chanfrau will work to ensure you receive proper compensation.
Negligent Security and Associated Risks
When shopping, visiting a public or private property, or renting a property from another party, individuals should not have to be concerned about their personal safety. In some cases, bright lights, security cameras, and security guards can be necessary to adequately secure a property. Premises liability law states that customers, visitors, and apartment building residents have a right to expect the premises to be safe. Any failure to do so can be considered professional negligence. If an assault or other violent act occurs on a commercial property as the result of negligent security, the property owner, security company, or both may be liable. This is particularly true when there is a known risk factor involved, such as a high crime rate in the area, a history of crime on the property, or specific threats against the property.